Panzer Grenadier: North of Elsenborn
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Panzer Grenadier: North of Elsenborn. En septiembre de 1944, las tropas americanas bordeaban la frontera alemana una vez que haban expulsado al Wehrmacht de Francia y Blgica. Con el Ejrcito alemn desmenuzando, pareca que la guerra iba a terminarse pronto. Pero con una buena lnea de fortificaciones y un despliegue rpido de refuerzos, los alemanes estabilizaron sus posiciones y ampliaron la guerra durante otros nueve meses.

Al sur de la ciudad de Aquisgrn y al norte de lo que sera el campo de batalla de Elsenborn Ridge, el VII Cuerpo americano atac la fortificada lnea alemana. Los tanques de la 3a Divisin "de Punta de lanza" penetraron las lneas escoltados por las veteranas 1 y 9 Divisiones de Infantera. Pero feroces contraataques alemanes finalmente pararon el avance; la invasin a escala global del territorio alemn tendra que esperar hasta la primavera.

Para jugar todos los escenarios se requieren componentes de; Battle of the Bulge, Road to Berlin, Elsenborn Ridge, Airborne, y Afrika Korps.


Hoefen-Alzen Ridge 14 September 1944
Seeking to penetrate to the Roer River dams, the U.S. VII Corps first had to widen the break in the German "West Wall" fortifications at Monschau. A battalion from the 60th Infantry Regiment, reinforced with tanks and tank destroyers, had the task of taking the ridge from the hastily-assembled German division holding the sector. While the West Wall positions here called the Scharnhorst Line - were known to the Americans, unknown to them the German division command had assigned its only experienced troops to the sector.

No Time to Lose 15 September 1944
With three of the best American divisions 1st Infantry, 9th Infantry and 3rd Armored steadily chewing through the West Wall defenses, the German command became desperate to stop them. "Ninth Panzer Division armor will attack the enemy," raged corps commander Friedrich-August Schach, "and throw him back behind the West Wall. There is no time to lose." Accordingly, the badly-depleted panzer division moved out to confront the Spearhead Division, itself rapidly losing its own strength.

Scharnhorsts Line 16 September 1944
With repeated infantry assaults failing to break the German position, 9th Infantry Division finally sent help from its attached 746th Tank Battalion. The West Walls designers had recognized that this point, where the Scharnhorst Line bent to follow the German-Belgian border and a road crossed the ridge line, would be a natural target for any attackers. The well-sited and well-built fortifications could not be broken by infantry alone, but this time the Americans were bringing all of their many advantages to bear.

Homeland Security 16 September 1944
Nazi Germany poured vast sums of money, concrete, steel and labor into its "West Wall" defenses, but even the stoutest fortifications are useless with no one to man them. When the U.S. VII Corps began its attack on the first belt, known as the Scharnhorst Line, in some places the Landesschtzen or "homeland security" battalions simply ran away rather than fight. But when they reached the second fortified zone, known as the Schill Line, they found a very different situation.

Restoring the Line 17 September 1944
The Germans had constructed multiple belts of fortifications, but even so were loath to give up any of their positions without a fight. With the Scharnhorst Line compromised by the 60th Infantrys advance, Gen. Erich Brandenberger of Seventh Army fired Col. Eberhard Roseler of 89th Infantry Division and ordered his successor, Maj. Gen. Walter Bruns, to mount an immediate counterattack to restore the positions using some dubious reinforcements.

The Last Bullet 17 September 1944
As Third Armored Division chewed through the Schill Lines fixed defenses, the German command despaired of stopping them. "Seventh Army will defend the West Wall to the last bullet," army commander Gen. Erich Brandenburger decreed. "The penetrations achieved by the enemy will be wiped out." A fresh division finally detrained to support the defenders, and 81st Corps flung it at the Spearhead Division head on.

Early Morning 18 September 1944
The fresh German 12th Infantry Division attacked with considerable spirit, but the American divisions of VII Corps had been hardened themselves by the campaign across France. Unable to make much of an impact with bayonet charges, the new division re-grouped to make another attempt on the village of Schevenhuette, this time with a night assault.

In the Mood 19 September 1944
The U.S. Armys most successful tank commander, Sgt. Lafayette G. Pool, destroyed 258 enemy vehicles in just three months of combat. He usually insisted that his M4 Sherman, "In the Mood," lead his 3rd Armored Division task force but with the tank and crew scheduled to depart for a War Bonds tour of the States Lt. Col. Walter Richardson placed "In the Mood" on the flank instead. The task force moved out in its new configuration to take Mnsterbusch from its determined German defenders.

On the Donnerberg 21 September 1944
Seeking to widen the breach in the German lines east of Aachen, 3rd Armored Division sent a depleted task force from its Combat Command B against Hill 287, known to the Germans as the Donnerberg. The height overlooked Stolberg, an important town now held by the Americans, and division command feared the Germans would use it to spot for artillery fire. With their remaining tanks and armored infantry, Task Force Mills charged up the hill.

Off the Donnerberg 22 September 1944
Rose sent a second task force to join the first on the Donnerberg, but feared that even so they could not hold against a determined counterattack. The Germans gathered reinforcements and sent them up the hill, with the Americans pouring smoke rounds down on them to confuse the situation.